Treat Your Ears to a Pair of Libratone Q Adapt On-Ear Headphones for $100 Less

Libratone Q Adapt On-Ear Headphones | $69 | Meh
Libratone Q Adapt On-Ear Headphones | $69 | Meh
Graphic: Gabe Carey

Libratone Q Adapt On-Ear Headphones | $69 | Meh

As those familiar with the brand already know, it’s rare to see a steep discount on Libratone headphones, and the Q Adapt on-ears are no exception. So when you see ‘em down $100 like they are at Meh right now, you’ve gotta jump on it. With ample padding to keep your auricles from tiring, these cans are more like pillows for your ears than the traditional over-ear headphones. Active noise canceling ensures you won’t hear a peep from your neighbor (or spouse) while you’re trying to work from home.

Four listening modes allow you to choose your own comfort level when it comes to blocking out sound, and a Hush mode temporarily lets ambient sound in, so you’ll never feel too secluded. The only catch is this: shipping is $5, unlike on Amazon where it’s usually free. Otherwise, a pair of Libratone on-ear headphones with active noise canceling for $69 is nice in my book.