The biOrbAIR is a legitimate tropical micro-climate contained within a twenty-inch diameter acrylic sphere. Lit by LEDs and misted to a humidity level according to your settings, this wonderball is an elegant conversation piece and zen emitter.
It arrives 90% assembled, so your tasks are simple and few. Place the terrain base in the bottom, hydrate the included block of sterilized coir compost, add compost/plants/decor, and plug it in. Orchids and carnivorous plants absolutely thrive in the biOrbAIR. Pursuant to how much life is crammed into this globe, you choose from three graduated settings to properly maintain it all. The grow LEDs will now simulate sunrise, day, sunset, and night on a 24-hour cycle. Humidity is maintained and carbon-filtered air is constantly circulated by a tiny, silent fan.
So that could be the end of it. You could be perfectly happy and content with your new tropical plant masterpiece.
That’s fine, but I crave more.
The biOrbAIR will also function as a vivarium for poison dart frogs, many other small tropical amphibians, and invertebrates! I’m currently working out a fruit-fly feeding system for poison dart frogs, and then I’m all in. While my brain works to figure it out, I’ll be gazing blissfully into my tropical bubble and trying my damnedest to keep my daughters from stuffing it full of tiny fairy decor.