You all poured out your recommendations for best wine bottle opener, and we detected a heavy emphasis on double-hinged corkscrews, with subtle notes of rabbit lever opener, and just a hint of Ah-so. Check out all of the nominees below, and don’t forget to vote for your favorite at the end of the post.
Double Hinged Corksrews
This style of wine opener was by far the most-nominated, but you all don’t seem particularly attached to any specific model. This $7 option from True Fabrications got a lot of attention, but if you want something a little nicer, HiCoup’s Rosewood model also received a lot of votes.
A simple, two-hinge corkscrew is cheaper, easier and will not puncture the cork unlike fancier (but really less reliable) methods. There’s a reason that waiters have been using these forever.
This True Fabrications Truetab double corkscrew is a great example of something cheap but with the emphasis on function over perceived ease of use. - ChairmanMeow
The waiter’s tool is the best tool there is. My wife and I had to open a bunch of bottles of wine quickly. (Hey, great party) She had some fancy gadget that supposedly made it easy...
Yeah, I ended up opening most of them after the gadget broke... Hey, I see it below... - masakatsu
Winged Corkscrews
While most of you stopped short of naming a specific brand, winged corkscrews also got a lot of love. This model from Precision Kitchenware seems to be the most popular on Amazon, but feel free to shop around.
Starred. I have a collection of stupid wine opening implements ranging from the basic $4 wine key to a ridiculous $100+ electric thing I received as a gift. When I open the door full of all of these items, I always end up selecting this basic cheap ass corkscrew. I think I got mine at a gas station back in 1999 or something. - abe530
Rabbit Corkscrew
The Rabbit corkscrew, of course. Clip on and lift the handle and you’re done. I think mine is actually an imitation, but works just as well. - Harry Archibald Tuttle
My wine snob friend always sniffs at my Houdini/Rabbit wine opener. But I don’t care. It takes about one second to open the bottle and remove the cork from the screw. It consistently opens the bottle without puncturing the bottom of the cork. And I found it for $4 at a garage sale (at a time when those suckers weren’t as affordable as they are now). I don’t need to be a purist—gimme the super-easy gadget. - thundercatsarego
DeVine- Ah So Wine Opener
Will throw my vote behind this one. Simple and straightforward. Takes up barely any space in your kitchen. Opens both natural and synthetic corks easily. The tines can be used to peel off the foil wrapper on the top of the bottle. No moving parts - lasts forever. - pastor666
This is the ONLY answer. I personally believe use of an Ah-So is the most critical Californian test possible. Anyone can learn valley speak. People in Nebraska hackysack. But true Californians know how to use an Ah-so. Added bonus? If someone gives you shit, you can kill them easily with one. - ksuwildkat