The $4,500 Cotodama Lyric Speaker is Karaoke Meets High Design

The writing’s on the wall speaker.

The Cotodama Lyric Speaker, appointed with nothing but a volume knob and no physical audio inputs, plays your music through Spotify Connect or your streaming service of choice (and can stream FLAC files too).

Cotodama might mean “soul of words”, but the Lyric is no slouch in the audio department. The Cotodama produces incredibly present, rich, clean sound, with huge, distortion-free dynamic range. The original cast recording of “Ragtime” (which the speaker couldn’t find the lyrics for), gave me one of the most effective “feel like you’re at the show” experiences I’ve had testing speakers.

But let’s be clear, with the Cotodama you’re paying dearly for those lyrics. Would I take two Devialets (which we’ll be writing about soon) over the Lyric? Or a 3-bedroom house worth of Sonos? Absolutely.


This speaker isn’t just a teleprompter. The graphics and fonts of the Cotodama are responsive to the pace and intensity levels of your music, and the whole synesthetic experience is well-executed and satisfying. The Cotodama will become some people’s favorite product, and others will just see it as the next evolution of Windows Media Player visualizations, and at this price, you’ll know where you stand immediately.

Who is the Cotodama for? Around fifteen people a month according to its makers, because that’s how many are currently being produced. We think those fifteen people will be very happy with their purchase.