Boy howdy, there are gators in these here waters, and they make a damn good cup of coffee. This stainless steel french press not only makes coffee, but keeps it warm throughout the day. It’s useful if you’re a multiple-cup guy, but more useful for something like camping. The double-filtration makes a bold coffee—one reminiscent of the coffee shop rather than your old-as-the-heavens drip machine.
Coffee Gator French Press Coffee Maker | $43 | 15CGFrench
If you’re a four-cups-a-day guy anyway, congrats, this holds just that. If you’re an upwards of four-cups-a-day guy, the included canister holds grounds for your next brew. Take 15% off and buy this for only $43—a great price for a durable press. Those gators sure know how to make a cup of coffee.