Halloween Candy | Amazon
Halloween is already next week. Do you have enough candy for all the costumed kids who will be knocking on your door Monday night? No worries, we have compiled a list of some great options to order now so you’ll have them before the first kid can utter the words “trick or treat.”
PEZ Candy Mini Halloween Candy Dispensers (12-Pack) | $13
The adorable mini PEZ dispensers are Halloween-themed with little bats, jack-o-lanterns, and black cats.
M&M’s, Snickers, Twix, Milky Way & 3 Musketeers Variety Pack (365 Count) | $27
Ahh, the classics. Any kid would be happy to receive any one of these. And the pack has 365 total which should be more than enough to get you through the night.
Skittles & Starburst Variety Pack (65 Count) | $9
Chocolate isn’t the only game in town. Noting quite like some Skittles or Starbursts. If you’re lucky, you’ll get all pink which we can all agree is the best flavor, yes?
Ring Pops - Green Watermelon (30 Count) | $15
Watermelon is an underrated candy flavor. Show these kids the light with these lollipop suckers they can wear on their hands.
Assorted Classic Candy Mix (4lbs.) | $40
Now here’s the stuff. Four full pounds of candy. Give these kids the works with Laffy Taffy, Airheads, Swedish Fish, and more. And then come November 1, eat the rest yourself.
Reese’s Ghosts - White Chocolate (5lbs.) | $29
Unpopular opinion: white chocolate Reese’s are better than their milk chocolate counterparts. The white chocolate pairs nicely with the peanut butter and the Halloween ghosts provide the perfect ratio of peanut butter to chocolate. I don’t care, fight me.
Mounds & Almond Joy (32.1oz) | $11
Now, these are always kids’ favorite choices. “Chocolate with coconut? Yuck!” No you little brat, you’re wrong. You’ll grow to like it in time and discover Mounds and Almond Joy are the best candy.
Halloween Pretzel Treats (40 Count) | $17
No. Don’t you dare do it. Don’t be the house giving out pretzels on Halloween. No one likes you. Just ignore this entry. I don’t even know what it’s doing here.