Squish All Your Stuff Safely With 15% Off Spacesaver Vacuum Storage Bags

Perfect for when you're spring cleaning but don't actually want to get rid of anything.

Spacesaver Premium Vacuum Storage Bags | $17 | Amazon
Spacesaver Premium Vacuum Storage Bags | $17 | Amazon
Graphic: Miranda Martin

Spacesaver Premium Vacuum Storage Bags | $17 | Amazon

It’s time for spring cleaning, which means you should really go through your closet and get rid of things you don’t need. But if you’re like me and want to keep everything in case you really need it down the line, one option is to make your junk much more organized and compact, so even though you’re holding onto a bunch of stuff you don’t need, your space doesn’t look like you are. These Spacesaver Premium Vacuum Storage Bags are also perfect for storing off-season clothes, extra bedding, and more. I’ve seen friends use these for moving out of the country that need to fit their entire wardrobe into a few suitcases, so seriously, these things work. If you live in a mansion, this isn’t the product for you. But for the rest of us mere mortals who don’t have enough space to put all our stuff, space saving hacks can be a lifesaver. This set includes four large sized bags and comes with a double zip seal and a triple seal turbo valve to keep it compact over time.