Play Disney Classic Games: Aladdin and The Lion King for $10 and Have a Much Easier Time Than When You Were Six

You can finally beat that dreaded monkey puzzle that you couldn't as a kid.

Disney Classic Games: Aladdin and The Lion King (Xbox) | $10 | Microsoft Store
Disney Classic Games: Aladdin and The Lion King (Xbox) | $10 | Microsoft Store
Graphic: Joe Tilleli

Disney Classic Games: Aladdin and The Lion King (Xbox) | $10 | Microsoft Store

Super Nintendo was my first game console growing up and I had both Aladdin and The Lion King for it. Let me tell you, those games were hard as shit. And that’s not just because I was a literal child and still learning how a d-pad works. The monkey puzzle was specifically designed to be near impossible. That isn’t a joke or exaggeration. According to one of the devs on The Lion King, Disney and Blockbuster had a program going on where you couldn’t get past a certain percentage of the game in a certain period of time to ensure players would rent the game several times over or outright buy it. The game was nearly complete, but was found not to meet this requirement and the easiest level to extend and make crushingly difficult was the monkey puzzle.

Luckily, the new game allows you to save at any point or rewind time much like a ROM would dramatically decreasing its difficulty. Maybe you’ll finally beat it and make your child-self proud. You can download both classic games in one updated package on Xbox for 50% off right now.