Nite Ize Has The Ties To Bind Everything In Your Life

After spending time with Velcro, Above the Fray, Cloop, and Cord Tacos, we’re ready to get tied down with Nite Ize.

Nite Ize’s Gear Ties were one of the best things we stumbled across at CES earlier this year, and have applications far beyond cable organization. While smaller options in the line are perfect for wrangling your wired headphones or laptop charger, Nite Ize’s ties come in big enough sizes to tie up a yoga mat, a tarp, or even keep things secure on your rooftop car rack.


More specialized options are also available, like clippable and loopable versions.


The flexibility of Nite Ize’s ties makes them more... flexible in their uses, but also just makes them far more enjoyable to use, with no tension or various adhesive solutions to fuss with. They’re not just an aspirational organizational tool we impulse purchased and threw in a drawer, they actually get used.