Keep Lights Out and Sound In With a Sleep Mask Doubling as Bluetooth Headphones, Only $12

EverPlus 3-in-1 Bluetooth Headphones/Headband | $12 | Amazon | Use code 40T2X7NN
EverPlus 3-in-1 Bluetooth Headphones/Headband | $12 | Amazon | Use code 40T2X7NN
Image: EverPlus

EverPlus 3-in-1 Bluetooth Headphones/Headband | $12 | Amazon | Use code 40T2X7NN

I fall instantly in love when I see two dire human needs knocked out with the same stone in products like this. Convergence is my jam, so this $12 piece of cloth that runs triple duty as Bluetooth headphones, a sleep mask, and a sweat-catching headband immediately caught my eye. Normally $29 (use promo code 40T2X7NN for the discount), they should last the entirety of your sleep session with 10-hour battery life, but if you’re anything like me, they might not.

The headphones inside are specially designed to be as soft and flat as possible—less than 1/4th an inch thick, according to EverPlus—to preserve comfort no matter your sleeping style. Yes, violent toss-turners and people who don’t sleep on their backs, I’m talking to you. Give it a try if you’re tired of aching ears or buds that get lost in the overabundance of cotton surrounding you each night.