Soylent saw the bad takes and answered with coffee, but how does the most divisive drink fare in the crowded protein shake market?
Update 3/20/18: The Cafe Vanilla tastes 100% like vanilla and 0% like coffee, but has the same caffeine levels and nutrition profile of Cafe Coffiest.
Soylent may market itself as a meal replacement shake, or even a replacement for food entirely, but who cares? The fatal flaw of Soylent 1.0 wasn’t the taste or the tone, it was the fact that it was a pain in the ass to make, and they already solved that.
Coffiest is a 400-calorie bottled beverage that contains 20g of protein, 20% of your daily nutritional requirements, and of course caffeine.
Those numbers are really the only ones worth examining, because you can easily find another protein drink with the same amount of protein and half the calories, but you’ll likely lose the nutritional completeness in the process. Conversely, you can also easily find a drink that tastes far better with a worse protein-to-calorie ratio.
If you want to skip breakfast to get maximum sleep, or skip lunch because figuring out lunch at the office is a huge pain, Coffiest is a great option... unless you’re counting calories.
Gizmodo’s Eve Peyser also got the chance to check it out.