Hori Nintendo Switch D-Pad Controller | $20 | Amazon
I was confused when I first saw this product. I initially thought it was just a fancy Pikachu Joy-Con skin. Then I remembered something: the Switch doesn’t have a proper D-pad. I’m so used to the layout that I somehow forgot that the left joy-con uses a regular four-button layout in place of a traditional connected cross. If you’re a D-pad faithful who has not forgotten this fact, you might want to check out Hori’s Switch D-Pad controller. The black and gold controller replaces your normal left joy-con with a version that has a proper D-pad. The only catch is that it’ll only work in handheld mode, so this is strictly for portable players. Like I mentioned up top, the controller also has a Pikachu design that’s just darn cute, frankly.
This deal was originally published by Joe Tilleli on 04/28/2020 and updated with new information on 07/02/2020.