Laevo Slime Kit for Girls | $20 | Amazon | Promo Code 2076VQQJ
A picture, as they say, is worth 1,000 words. But here are some words anyway, because I cannot resist this combination of them in the English language: Right now, the Laevo Slime Kit for Girls is $20 on Amazon with promo code 2076VQQJ. That’s 20% savings, which should serve as a calming mantra when you’re scrubbing glittery rainbow goo out of the carpet. It’s unlikely that you need anything else to convince you for or against this set, so just know that it contains an illustrated booklet with instructions for the various types of slime (ask your kids; they’ll know them), a set of tools for mixing and measuring, multiple pigments, scents, and more. The only thing not included is an alcoholic beverage for the parent tasked with supervising slime production and cleanup. Contact the manufacturer about that one (don’t).