If you work a typical office job, you’re probably spending eight hours on more seated at your desk. Over time, this could create a lot of lower back pain. Now if your company isn’t looking to go and replace all its employees’ office chairs wholesale with something more supportive, that doesn’t mean you have to be left to suffer. This seat cushion pillow uses memory foam to provide firm, ergonomic comfort to help you maintain good posture throughout the day and offload any extra pressure on your spinal discs. It’s a number one best seller on Amazon too.
Seat Cushion Pillow for Office Chair | $26 | Amazon
This seat cushion pillow normally goes for $62, but right now you can get it for over half off with a 58% discount.
Originally written by Joe Tilleli on 6/20/23 and updated with new information by Miranda Martin on 7/6/23.