Provence Beauty Rose Multi-Use Oil | $13 | Amazon | Promo Code ROSE10INV
If you like your vitamin-infused moisturizing treatments in old-timey apothecary bottles, then do I have the deal for you. Right now, Provence Beauty Rose Multi-Use Oil is down to $13 at Amazon when you use the promo code ROSE10INV at checkout. What is it, exactly? It’s a blend of rose, apricot, and almond oils, as well as rose petals, peony essence, and bergamot (that’s what makes Earl Grey tea so lovely and floral), and Vitamin E on top of it. Administered through a dropper, vintage-style, the oil is designed to moisturize hair, nails, and skin. But you can pretty much use it for whatever you want. Put it in a diffuser! Wear it as a perfume! Basically just don’t eat it, and you’ll be able to enjoy the benefits.