Looking for a PC that doesn’t take up much desk space? This little guy from Geekom will give you high performance in a small package. Pre-installed with Windows 11 Pro and is powered by a 12th Gen Intel Core processor (your choice of i5 or i7) and built-in WiFi 6E. It supports dual-channel DDR4 memory and its SSD had read-write speeds of up to 5000+ MB/s and 4400+ MB/s, respectively.
Geekom M Mini IT12 i5-12450 | $349 | Geekom | Promo Code Gizmodoit12off
If all those specs are just kind of gibberish to you, know this. It’s a decently powerful PC that is mini in size. It’ll be able to handle general, everyday us with ease. And right now, you can get it for $100 off as part of the Easter Sales countdown. Just use the code Gizmodoit12off. Code expires on May 5th so get your order in soon.