First Bag Free | Atlas Coffee | Promo Code COFFEEDAY2021
Happy National Coffee day one of the buzziest days of the year! Why not grab of free bag of pick-me-up to start the day off right, courtesy of Kinja Deals? Using the promo code COFFEEDAY2021, you can do exactly that for a limited time only. But don’t worry you have until October 4 to cash on all that good caffeine. That link above (and below!) should automatically mark your first bag down to $0, but you will need to cover shipping. For me, the shipping charge was around $5. You can choose whether to get your bag ground and ready to go or as whole beans you grind yourself.
This subscription, which you can cancel anytime, brings you a fresh bag of new coffee every 2 or 4 weeks depending on your preferred schedule. You can get caffeinated conveniently and on your terms by indicating your preference for lighter or darker roasts or have Atlas surprise you with each delivery.
This story was originally published by Elizabeth Lanier on 09/27/2020 and updated by Sheilah Villari with new information on 09/28/2021.