Casper's New Box Spring Is a Miracle of Simplicity

Not two weeks after I wrote about this Casper-recommended box spring, Casper unveiled its very own alternative, so naturally, I had to try it out.

First thing’s first: Why would you want a box spring with a Casper? The truth is, you don’t really; foam mattresses work best on a solid platform bed. But if you already own a metal bed frame that you really like, and need the extra height, a good box spring will work fine in a pinch.

The Classic Brands 8" foundation that I’ve been using is perfectly serviceable, and I had no complaints, but the Casper Foundation is better for one simple reason: It’s drop-dead simple to set up, and just as easy to take apart.


The Foundation is literally held together entirely with four plastic pegs. That’s it! You just fit the sides together, and push the pegs through the interlocking holes. There’s also a stabilizer board in the middle that slides into pre-attached grooves, and the fabric-encased slats lay in perfectly on top. The whole thing takes about five minutes to assemble, and the finished product feels just as sturdy as if it was screwed and bolted together.

Now, the Classic Brands foundation wasn’t exactly rocket science to put together, but it took about an hour, required a drill (or a screwdriver if you’re a crazy person), and involved lots of screws and bolts, though it is a fair bit cheaper than the Casper Foundation. That being said, whenever it comes time to move, you’ll be transporting the box spring as-is, whereas the Casper can break down to its component parts in minutes, making it a lot easier to fit in a car or moving truck.

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