Buy the Dip On the 48% Off The Complete Calvin & Hobbes Paperback Box Set

While not the cheapest it's been, this is far from a regrettable price.

The Complete Calvin and Hobbes Paperback Set | $65 | Amazon

You probably have to have back problems to have the kind of fuzzy feelings for Calvin & Hobbes that even made you click on this link to begin with, but that doesn’t remove the timelessness contained within The Complete Calvin & Hobbes paperback set. For a little over a decade that stretched from the mid-80s to the mid-90s, Bill Watterson chronicled the youthful exploits—both real and imagined—of a young boy named Calvin and his imaginary tiger friend, Hobbes. Endearing in its portrayal of a budding introvert only child who dreams constantly of a fantastic existence that involves space flights, dinosaurs, and all the other things that young children with hyperactive imaginations and seemingly endless summers experience. The list price is, and while it rarely reaches that price, it also hasn’t been at or below its current price of $65 since summer 2021.

This series is like a pillar for many people, and its price has vacillated wildly over the last couple of years, sometimes going for well over a hundred dollars—if it’s even in stock. The good news is, the set remains in print, for now, and at the moment it’s hanging out on the low end of the pricing spectrum it’s been on since the start of 2020, so if you’ve been hovering over the buy button on this set, you could try to wait for a deeper discount, or you could just get it now and have one of the best collections of sequential art in existence to enjoy for yourself or share with a new generation of kids with a longing for something more.