Bumper stickers can say so much about a person, from political beliefs to religious affiliations, family size to college pride. Buying a car, and keeping it for years should be about more than just getting a color that speaks to you or the engine size you want. It’s all about making it your own. In this lighthearted edition of Ask Mechanic Shop Femme, I’m going to share with you my favorite bumper stickers from around the internet, so you too can make the driver behind you raging mad, or elicit a belly laugh.
All the Colors of the Rainbow
So many people forget that while LGBT rights may be constantly debated, we are humans, and this bumper sticker drives it home. It bears flags across the LGBTQ spectrum, with each letter representing a part of the community.
Be a Proud Cheesehead
Maybe I’m biased, but as a proud cheesehead, I love this magnet. It’s not the standard shape of a bumper sticker and is magnetic, so it can literally be put anywhere. Best of all, if you end up getting a new car, it can come with you.
Brighten up Your Day
It might be raining outside but with this sun bumper sticker, it can be bright and cheery in your car. This sticker is different since it’s actually shaped like a sun and has no words, but you know the saying, a picture is worth a thousand words or $9 or whatever.
Breath in and Fuhgettaboutit
So many of us have reprioritized our lives since the start of this pandemic. We are letting go of petty frustrations that before would have angered, irritated, or just gotten under our skin. Show off how much you’ve changed and how much you can let go with this sloth-themed badge of honor.
Kickin’ It Old School
This cassette-shaped sticker shows off your classic music lover chops and maybe even those mixtapes you used to make for your romantic flames. This one’s sure to substitute for the t-shirts you can’t buy at live concerts this year.
For the Family Car
Now, this is a fun take on the traditional Baby on Board sticker. Include the little tyke as Goku from Dragon Ball. Perfect for family-sized fans!
From Bumper Sticker into Magnet
Have a sticker you love, but wary of slapping it on your bumper? This cut-to-size magnet turns any adhesive sticker into a magnet, perhaps easing concerns over scuffing up the back of your vehicle. It’s a four-pack, so it should go a long way toward accessorization.
Whichever bumper stickers you choose, let them speak to your values, personality, and serve as a way to liven up someone’s day.