Become the True Water Champ With This Triple Insulated Stainless FineDine 25oz Water Bottle for 24% Off

Save 5 bucks and carry this bottle on your person at all times to prove your commitment to drinking water.

FineDine Triple Insulated Stainless Water Bottle | $15 | Amazon
FineDine Triple Insulated Stainless Water Bottle | $15 | Amazon
Graphic: Wes Davis

FineDine Triple Insulated Stainless Water Bottle | $15 | Amazon

It’s time to end the discussions over who is the reigning Water Champ—pick up this stainless 25oz water bottle from Amazon for $5 off its normal price, and you’ll not only receive your new best friend, rated to keep your water cool for as much as 24 hours, but you’ll also get a new reputation as the water drinkinest auto-hydrator this side of the mighty Mississipp’. In a true Jeans sort of move FineDine included three different kinds of lid—a snap-close lid, a straw sip lid, and a widemouth screw-off lid with built-in carabiner-style clip. It’s shatter-proof, because duh, and leakproof, because of course it is. Try it out, get a look at the product page, and if that 25oz cup isn’t big enough for you to get that title, don’t worry friend, because all the other sizes are on sale, from 32oz at 22% off to 64oz at 15% off.