Last week, I tried to get a subscription to Microsoft Office. I expected to simply find an Office license that…
Last week, I tried to get a subscription to Microsoft Office. I expected to simply find an Office license that…
When you find a recipe online, it’s not uncommon for it to include several “in a separate bowl” steps that use more…
When you’re in between jobs, you probably want to get back to work as soon as possible. However, taking the first…
Google has had a collection of free fonts for a while. Recently, the site for these fonts got an update. Now it’s…
The Xbox One and PS4 are getting some killer updates in the near future, bringing support for 4K gaming, VR, and…
Photo walks are an awesome way to practice your photography skills while also getting some exercise. This video…
“Being yourself” and living authentically is one of those goals that we champion, but can rarely explain why. We…
Today, Microsoft announced that it will be acquiring LinkedIn for $26.2B. The deal will keep LinkedIn’s existing CEO…
Planning for retirement can get complicated when you’re trying to get the most out of your money. Fees for…
When you’re looking for someone to go out with, you probably want to find someone who shares your interests. While…
When a disaster occurs, you may want to donate blood to help out. While it may be more helpful to wait rather than…
Wouldn’t it be cool if your phone knew to enter airplane mode when you go to the theater, or text your spouse when…
Android (Tasker): You’re driving home, rocking out to Queen, and suddenly Facebook interrupts your music to let you…
It’s hard to deny that Apple is pretty great at presentation. Former Apple speechwriter Jayne Benjulian explains one…
Android: If you’ve used Facebook Messenger for a long time, you might remember the glory days when it could handle…
Chrome: Movie review scores are pretty flawed. The most frustrating part is that you can’t tell from a score whether…
If you turned on a radio at any point in the 90s—and you probably did since Pandora hadn’t been invented yet—you’ll…
It’s right on the tip of your tongue. You know it’s there. It’s when you intensely dislike something. When your…
We all know that the generic, store brand of most goods are cheaper. Most of them are usually just as good if not…
KeePass isn’t the most popular password manager around here, but many of our readers use it. The next time you…