Android: As if Tasker’s plugins weren’t powerful enough, the developer behind popular plugins like AutoVoice and Auto…
Android: As if Tasker’s plugins weren’t powerful enough, the developer behind popular plugins like AutoVoice and Auto…
Google may track a lot of your data, but it also creates a lot of tools to let you see that data for yourself. Its…
You might not want to spend too much time with your poop, but it can tell you a lot about your overall health.…
If you’re not in the habit of regularly backing up your data, do it now. Cloud storage company Backblaze has made it…
Android/iOS: Visiting a new city is an awesome vacation, but it can be overwhelming without a guide. Detour provides…
When you retire, you’ll want to spend your days living in a city you’ll love. This massive chart compares 196 cities…
Apple recently discontinued its standalone Thunderbolt display, which sucks because it was one of our favorites. To…
If you’re over the age of ten or so, you probably got chills when you saw the first trailer for Star Wars: The Force…
Being able to read body language is a handy skill to have. Before you start watching for a single action to see if…
Google Trends is a neat little tool that can show how often people search for things. It’s handy for seeing when…
Creative design is a complex process that can be applied from everything to making products to creating company…
If you live in New York City, San Francisco, Seattle, or Chicago, you might come across the Pride parade this…
Last night, the results from the UK’s referendum to leave the European Union came in: Britain has voted to leave.…
SSDs are a clearly superior drive format, but they’re more expensive per gigabyte than their platter-based hard disk…
If you’re heading to the beach this summer, mind the wildlife. Jellyfish stings are awful. This handy graphic shows…
There’s never been a better time to be a fantasy nerd. As Game of Thrones wraps up its sixth season, take some time…
How much crap in your house do you really need? Do the piles of crap you have add to your happiness, or is it just…
If you have a number of debt accounts, investments, and (hopefully) multiple streams of income, you could probably…
Reliable Android updates are a key selling point of Google’s Nexus line of phones. Even Nexuses have an expiration…