If you’re a web developer, you need to consider how your designs will appear on mobile sites. Responsive web design…
If you’re a web developer, you need to consider how your designs will appear on mobile sites. Responsive web design…
There are a lot of boxes you need to tick off in your financial life. While it’s important to hit them all, that’s…
If you haven’t checked out Netflix’s new show Stranger Things, seriously do it. It’s awesome. If you have, you know…
You’re standing on a beach fully clothed, enjoying a nice barbecue when you see someone in the nearby lake flailing.…
When you’re staring at your computer screen, wondering why you can’t just make yourself do the work you need to do,…
There are many different ways to estimate how much money you’ll need to retire, but many so-called “rules” are based…
Two-factor authentication is one of the most important ways to protect your accounts. However, recently some…
One of the best ways to make your money count, if you listen to people who write about money for a living, is to…
When someone expresses a view you disagree with, it’s hard to keep your cool and hear them out. To better practice…
We’ve looked to cloud storage company Backblaze for recommendations on the most reliable hard drive brands before.…
Microsoft’s first big feature update for Windows 10, the Anniversary Update, is out today. With it comes a smarter…
Taking the skills you have in your hobbies and turning them into a profession is no easy task. Some may be happy…
The Windows 10 Anniversary Update drops today and one of the coolest features deserves a little special attention.…
If you want to get on the VR hype train, you’re going to need to build a pretty powerful PC to handle the load.…
No, I’m not here on behalf of the evil Big Pizza lobby. According to simple math, if you’re buying multiple small…
Android: Microsoft’s Flow is trying to compete with IFTTT, the automation service we already love pretty well. Now…
Being happy isn’t just something you achieve by ticking off certain boxes (or else we’d all do it). It’s a mental…
Microsoft’s free Windows 10 upgrade offer officially ended yesterday. However, the company has left a loophole. If…
Procrastination usually causes problems, but we have a hard time confronting them. Our future self has a much better…
Last night was the final day of the Democratic National Convention. Now, the race to the nomination is officially…