You’ve got enough going on in your life. Your bills, your job, your relationships, and your insecurities add up to a…
You’ve got enough going on in your life. Your bills, your job, your relationships, and your insecurities add up to a…
Last night we saw presidential candidates Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump square off in their first presidential…
WhatsApp is easily one of the most popular messaging apps in the world. Until today, though, if you wanted to invite…
Tonight, presidential candidates Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton will meet for their first debate. Here’s how to…
Google tracks a lot of your data. If you’re comfortable with that, it can make your life a little easier. If you’re…
Tonight, presidential candidates Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton will take the stage for their first-ever direct…
What you believe has a strong impact on how you perceive bad events. If you build your life around your job, losing…
If you bought a 4K TV recently (and it’s a good time to start looking at one), you’re going to need a way to get…
It’s never been easier to set up your own home security system. However, if your cameras can record audio, depending…
You’ve got a lovely pair of avocados on the counter, but they’re not quite ripe yet. If you want to make them (or…
Chrome: One of the best things you can do as a designer is get input from other sources to inspire you. Palettab…
iOS/Android: Speedify is a handy way to combine multiple internet connections into one mega pipe. Now, it’s even…
It’s the first day of fall. The leaves are about to turn brown and your lawn will soon be littered with pumpkin…
Saving money is always good, right? If you can reduce your expenses or find a coupon for something you’re already…
Have you ever woken up and discovered that you have some new, mysterious bruise on your legs or arms? Well, there’s…
Windows/Mac/Linux: A few months ago, Opera launched its own free, built-in VPN, but you could only get it if you manu…
Google just launched Allo, a new smart messaging app that comes with stickers, emoji, and a powerful assistant who…
Android/iOS: Today, Google’s rolling out Allo, the messaging app it previewed at I/O earlier this summer. This is…
When you’re faced with a choice, how much time do you spend making sure it’s perfectly optimal? If that decision is…
Web: Dark Sky is one of the coolest weather apps, providing minute-by-minute weather tracking. Up until now, it’s…