When you’re wearing a suit, you don’t want all the junk in your pockets to create unsightly bulges. This diagram…
When you’re wearing a suit, you don’t want all the junk in your pockets to create unsightly bulges. This diagram…
Android/iOS: Lookout Mobile is an excellent app for keeping your phone safe. Now, subscribers can get warnings when…
Not every game is about winning. Amidst the rise in tabletop gaming, dozens of storytelling games have emerged that…
Android/iOS: It’s way easier to send a quick message to someone than write a long email. Why can’t email be like…
Communicating with the people that are supposed to represent you in government can sound like a fruitless task, but…
When you need to focus, it helps to have the right music. Music For Programming is a handy little online tool with…
Charisma and likability are powerful tools, but it helps if people feel like they can approach you. No one feels…
Google has a lot of confusing music services, but Play Music is one of the best and now it’s getting a little…
Android (6.0+): Google’s Pixel phones have some pretty cool fingerprint gestures. We’ve already seen one attempt to…
There is a ton of confusing, often contradictory information about what diets work and which ones are healthy. This…
Finding that one annoying tab that’s playing audio in Chrome got a little easier back when the browser started showin…
After Donald Trump was elected president, everyone’s obvious next question is what happens when he actually takes…
WhatsApp is one of the most popular private messaging apps out there, so it’s a little surprising it didn’t have…
When life sucks and all you can do is scream, punk music is there for you. To give you an outlet, this playlist…
Chrome: The best part of Twitter—or one of the few remaining good parts anyway—is that you can share short messages…
Motion design is complex and requires a lot of little details to make it look right. Below, you can see many of the…
Since we tend to decide that it’s rude to talk about money with other people, it can be hard to figure out how to go…
Last night, among many other more important votes, Americans in several states voted on whether to legalize…
Life always presents struggles. When things seem hopeless, it’s easy to feel like the opposition to your goals will…
Earlier this year, Facebook announced it was building bots that would let companies chat with you in Messenger. Now,…