Perfectly tweaking your budget so that you’re only paying the absolute minimum sounds like frugal dream. However, if…
Perfectly tweaking your budget so that you’re only paying the absolute minimum sounds like frugal dream. However, if…
News based on bad science is everywhere, but you don’t have time to verify every single claim about wine’s weird…
There’s a blurry line between pride and arrogance, but there are a few ways you can avoid the trap of arrogance.…
Windows: If you spent a lot of time tweaking your Start Menu to your liking, you’ll want to make sure you don’t lose…
Android: If you use public transit to get to work, Google will sometimes let you know if your train is delayed.…
When you’re meeting someone for the first time, you want to impress them. You might be tempted to focus on the areas…
Math has tons of fascinating quirks. For example, if you want to convert between miles and kilometers, you can use…
Windows: The right-click menu in Windows comes with tons of useful options. Right Click Enhancer makes it even…
Tabletop games like Dungeons & Dragons or Pathfinder can be incredibly immersive with the right music. This playlist…
Chrome: Amazon may be convenient, but nothing beats free. So, when you’re shopping for books on the site, Library…
A recent server-side update to the Facebook and Messenger apps caused a bug that rapidly drained users’ batteries eve…
Ideally, we’d have time to keep dress shoes shined all the time. However, sometimes you’ve gotta get to an important…
If you’ve ever tried to root your Android phone or flash a ROM, you may have heard about ADB and/or fastboot. These…
There are a lot of ways to calculate how much money you need to save to retire. Once you reach retirement, though, a…
Renting a home for a vacation is a great way to feel at home while you’re away. This data shows the places where…
As we’ve established time and again, your clever tricks aren’t protecting your password. If you or someone you know…
Every day your work gets interrupted by emails, phone calls, and conversations with your boss. To work with focus,…
Web: There are a million ways to track your habits, but Daybook takes a very simple approach. You add the habits you…
If you’re one of the lucky few who managed to hold on to Verizon’s unlimited data for years, you know the company…
Google makes some amazing doodles, but every so often they go beyond a drawing. Some doodles include games or an…