Android: Some apps in Android can enter what’s known as “immersive mode” which hides your buttons and status bar,…
When you’re buying a new gadget, you want the fastest, most powerful one you can get for your money. Benchmarks can…
Chrome: Facebook collects a lot of your data, but you might never get to see what they really learn about you. Data…
Android: The kernel in your operating system handles a lot of low-level tasks like managing your CPU speed. Most…
Android/iOS: When you’re looking forward to an event, you can’t help but get excited watching the days tick by.…
Making new friends as an adult is hard. However, you might have more options than you think. If you know some people…
Android: If you use a Bluetooth headset with your phone, you’ll want to know when its battery is about to die. BatON…
You could spend hours trying to devise a flexible system to categorize and label every single expense you have, but…
As long as you have an awl or even a large nail in your home, you can easily add an extra hole to your belt. If you…
Web: Facebook’s privacy tools are notoriously complicated and constantly changing. Stalkscan is a third-party tool…
Folk metal is a distinctly unique genre, combining the harsh, aggressive sound of heavy metal with the homespun…
With everyone from local scammers to government agencies trying to get hands on your data, there’s never been a…
Android: It’s a good idea to check on your Google security and privacy settings every once in a while. Google makes…
The video above shows a peaceful hillside, with the wind blowing the trees and the soothing sounds of birds…
Windows: Cortana can do a lot of cool stuff in Windows 10, but she tends to prefer Microsoft’s own apps and…
Audible is the biggest name in audiobooks, but even if you’ve spent hundreds of hours listening, there are some…
Tax season is coming up, which means some will have to shell out a hefty chunk of cash to the government. That…
Sharing your finances is a tough topic in itself, but thankfully we’re talking metaphorically today. If you want to…
You may like your privacy or enjoy sitting among the friendly people who help you relax at work. If you want to get…