Corey Foster
Contributor and Researcher, Kinja Deals at the Inventory

Looks like this deal has passed. Thanks for letting me know. Read more

Looks like this deal has passed. Thanks for letting me know.

I have Comcast and I have hooked up dozens of wireless routers that are not on their official support list. This should work fine for you. Read more

I have Comcast and I have hooked up dozens of wireless routers that are not on their official support list. This

So sad. I saw that, too. I wanted to be able to say that it had nothing but perfect reviews, but I had to say that its average was perfect instead. There's always got to be that one guy. Read more

So sad. I saw that, too. I wanted to be able to say that it had nothing but perfect reviews, but I had to say that

So lame! Thanks for letting me know. I'll mark it gone. Read more

So lame! Thanks for letting me know. I'll mark it gone.

I can't figure it out either. I honestly kept refreshing the page expecting a price error. Must be a licensing issue, but then why put it on 'sale?' Go figure. Read more

I can't figure it out either. I honestly kept refreshing the page expecting a price error. Must be a licensing

Thanks for letting me know. I'll mark it. Read more

Thanks for letting me know. I'll mark it.

I say this at least five times daily. Read more

I say this at least five times daily.

This describes my feelings on WalMart perfectly. These days I'd just about pay money not to go there. Occasionally, though, they tempt me with a deal like this. Read more

This describes my feelings on WalMart perfectly. These days I'd just about pay money not to go there. Occasionally,

Thanks. I'll mark it as gone. Read more

Thanks. I'll mark it as gone.

Look like this one is gone. Thanks for letting me know. Read more

Look like this one is gone. Thanks for letting me know.

Deal is dead. Thanks for reporting it. Read more

Deal is dead. Thanks for reporting it.

I haven't hooked it up yet. I plan to replace the Revue with it this weekend. I need to allot some time to the project because my Harmony is also in desperate need to reprogramming.... after moving some stuff downstairs, I never reprogrammed the remote... so I press "Play Xbox 360" to watch TV currently. The wife is Read more

I haven't hooked it up yet. I plan to replace the Revue with it this weekend. I need to allot some time to the

Sorry, I thought that was implied from the massive box art image. Re-reading my sentence, it does read as if I am speaking of two Jokers and not two separate villains. I have added specifics. Read more

Sorry, I thought that was implied from the massive box art image. Re-reading my sentence, it does read as if I am

Your statement may be more true than you know. As a guy who owns a Logitech Revue, Sony Smart BD Player, and a new ChromeCast, I couldn't personally justify an Apple TV even if it was cheaper. And don't tell the masses... but I'm not exactly an Apple fanboy. Read more

Your statement may be more true than you know. As a guy who owns a Logitech Revue, Sony Smart BD Player, and a new

Price history for the LG puts it at $1000 regularly. Read more

Price history for the LG puts it at $1000 regularly.

Wow. No kidding. It's over $700 now. Read more

Wow. No kidding. It's over $700 now.

I've got several mech gaming KBs on my radar. If any pop a similar price, you guys will definitely know. Read more

I've got several mech gaming KBs on my radar. If any pop a similar price, you guys will definitely know.