Currently dress like that still, iirc. Awesome! Read more
Currently dress like that still, iirc. Awesome! Read more
Grandaddy and Granny, circa 1950. You don’t want it with his dimples.
Before my grandpa became a refugee and immigrated to the US, he was a puppeteer in his home country. He’s second from the left. He was the most amazing, wonderful, funny man I have ever known and 17 years after his death I still miss him every single day.
Me and Ginge, Singapore, c. 1963. He died in Feb so gonna be teary this w/e. Brag: When he was a teen, he made dates with 3 different girls and arranged to meet them all along the same bus route, then watched as the bus went past and he went on the date with the third one. Playa.
I banged me gavel! Read more
My dad at a football game in the early 90’s. It was only 10 degrees outside.
That’s my grandpa and abuelita, in their immigration photos, the first time around. I never met my grandpa—he died when my mom was 12 from a heart attack related to acromegaly, which, holy shit. Also here is my mom’s Tío Chencho, who was kinda like my default grandpa. HANDSOME MEN OF LA FAMILIA ESCOBEDO
nicknamed Sailor Boy Read more
Great grandpa, grandpa, and dad (also pictured with Dad: mom, baby sister, little brother, me, and that one priest who everybody said was stealing from the church)
I would add oxy-cleaning (with a scrub brush on a stick) your grouted tile floor as the urine can really build up in those little valleys!
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As a guy, I would love it for a woman to propose. These stories were great.
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Further advice on the caulk issue... Never use latex or any of the standard painter’s caulks for your bathtub/sink/toilet areas. That type is made of natural materials that mold and mildew can grow on. Instead always use 100% silicone products.
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Check your organic privilege.
I can’t find a kimono that fits over my smoking jacket....
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You can get a large-sized silica gel pack at a lot of sporting goods stores (at least ones that sell guns). They are used to keep in gun cabinets to eliminate humidity to prevent rust of the metal or warping of wood stocks. The packs also typically come with a “sensor” that tells you when they are saturated, and then… Read more