Custom LeatherCraft Tool Caddy | $32 | Amazon
Whether you’re a professional or you’re just a homeowner in the permanent state of never being done working on your house, a tool caddy like this $26-off Custom LeatherCraft bag can be one of the finest investments you’ll ever make. Normal tool bags can be nice to have, but they’re kind of a pain, when you’re looking for that one tiny pair of needlenose pliers or jewel screwdriver that you didn’t put in the side slot and now its buried under much bigger tools. Before you know it, you’ve got tools splayed out everywhere, and when you try to put them back after you’re done, you can’t zip the tool bag up any more and you have no idea how you did it the first time. With a tool caddy, you can keep most of your tools upright, where you can see each handle and quickly find the one you need. This bag comes with a comfortable shoulder strap, elastic bands within pockets for securing tools, and a plastic organizer that fits into a slot on one end.