Traditions make Christmas what it is whether they are old, new, or unique to just you. Maybe your Christmas involves taking a bath with some peppermint essential oils. Maybe it involves sleeping in and playing Minecraft in the afternoon. Or maybe it just means a chance to watch a bunch of feel-good movies set in December that mention or feature an old dude named Santa. Let’s hone in on that tradition.
Christmas movie-loving folks can be extremely passionate about their cheerful catalog and rightfully so. It’s an expansive genre that would take several winter seasons to binge through all that’s out there. As fans of Christmas movies, let’s duke it out in the comments and yell at each other over the best of the best. This is the internet after all. Just as nerds on Reddit fight over Goku vs Superman, let’s fight over whether or not Clark Griswold can knock Buddy the Elf out on his ass.
Wanna suggest Gremlins is better than It’s a Wonderful Life? Go for it. Like to shout to the world that Jingle All the Way is the perfect piece of cinema? I’m right behind you. Want to be boring and remind us Die Hard is a Christmas movie? Sure, whatever I guess. I’m not saying Die Hard is or isn’t one. I’m just saying that arguing strongly about it and bringing it up every time Christmas movies are mentioned makes you a boring person. So please don’t make me write more about it come Friday.
Some quick rules for your nominations:
1) Your nomination should contain the name of a specific Christmas movie, why it is your favorite, a link where it can be purchased or rented, and an image.
2) You can nominate multiple Christmas movies, but please put each one in a separate comment or reply on Twitter.
3) Vote by starring someone else’s comment or liking someone else’s Twitter reply.