A few months ago, we asked our readers to tell us what they thought the best two-player board game was. We got a huge collection of answers that ranged from elaborate indies to classics like Cribbage. That was great news for roommates or partners who were cooped up together during the pandemic. There’s just no shortage of options when it comes to multiplayer entertainment. But what about those who prefer solo gaming experiences? After all, the pandemic isn’t over yet, so we still have a few months of chilling ahead of us. Folks who live alone could always use another way to pass the time while they wait for their vaccine.
So today, we’re asking our readers what the best single-player board game is. As was the case with our two-player question, there’s a range of options to consider here. Start digging around for answers and you’ll immediately find some gigantic tabletop games that support one-player adventure, like Gloomhaven (I’d be shocked if no one nominates this). A lot of more RPG-heavy tabletop games include options for one player on top of multiplayer support, so the field is wide open. I’m personally fond of Wingspan, a bird-watching game featuring a zen solitary mode. I’ll open the floor for card games as well. After all, we can’t have this discussion without talking about something like solitaire, right?
The idea of a solo board game might sound strange if you’re used to board games as a party concept, but it can be an excellent experience. We look at screens all day in 2021 and a board game gives you a good way to disconnect even when you have the hankering to play something. It’s also a good way to learn a new game on your own so that you can actually explain it to friends when you try to play with them later. Say goodbye to having to learn how to play something on the fly.
I’m personally excited to hear what our readers come up with, so leave your nominations below. Here are a few simple rules for doing so.
1) Your nomination should contain the name of a specific board game, why you think it’s the best, a link where it can be purchased, and an image.
2) You can nominate multiple products, but please put each one in a separate comment.
3) Vote by starring someone else’s nomination.