Free Pair of Bose Headphones with iPhone 12 | Visible
Free Pair of Bose Headphones with iPhone 12 Pro | Visible
It’s been a while since anyone’s really groaned about the loss of the headphone jack on our iPhones, but that hasn’t made it any less painful a loss. Still, our pleas haven’t been heard, so we’ll have to make do with a good pair of wireless headphones to carry our tunes with us. If you’re in the market for a new iPhone, you can kill two birds with one stone by grabbing an iPhone 12 or 12 Pro from Visible, and you’ll get a free pair of Bose Soundlink wireless headphones, which are available on their own for $160 on Amazon right now, and usually go for about $230, so that’s a solid deal on its own.
If you’re still on the fence between the 12 or 12 Pro, our friends at Gizmodo have put together a nice little guide on the differences between the models to help you make the right decision.