COVID-19 hit the United States like a freight train. Whether you live in New York or even somewhere in the mid-west, this national, stay-at-home initiative is tough on everyone (cue my constant boredom and mid-day walks).
I’m not going to say I adore the people who control the government right now, but one thing they got right was getting most folks a $1,200 (one-time) check into their pockets to spend on whatever they like.
As soon as my direct deposit hit with this seemingly free cash, I started to think about what I wanted to blow the money on. Would it be a new work desk? A Nintendo Switch? Music equipment? A deposit on transformative plastic surgery once everything is over?! I kid about the plastic surgery, but you see how the possibilities (if you don’t have many bills to pay) are endless?
Just think about it, there’s $1,200 at your disposal. You can blow it on whatever you like ... including takeout—although don’t blow $1,200 on takeout, that’s dumb. So I’m asking, what are you gonna spend your stimulus check on? Let us know in this week’s cash-money edition of Co-op.
1) Your nomination should be a specific product you’ve had your eye on, with a link to that product.
2) Vote by starring someone else’s nomination.
3) Don’t be wack and duplicate nominations; we’ll know. Our third eye is way open.