Buy Committee, I am conflicted.
I’ve been a Star Wars fan since as long as I can remember. I loved the original trilogy, make pod-racing sounds while I wash the dishes, and I absolutely adored The Last Jedi.
However, I detested The Rise of Skywalker. I full-body cringed all the way through the movie and it’s been the only Star Wars movie I didn’t see at least 3 times in the theater.
To be clear, I don’t think I can be convinced to like this film but I equally believe in your right to like this film.
However, I need help weighing my options. Do I need to complete the set if it means purchasing something I am doubtful I’ll ever watch?
I’d very much like to hear what Godfather fans would do in this situation—since, they were put in a similar situation with the third film. (And while we’re here, I also have mixed feelings about buying the last season of Game of Thrones on iTunes.)
So, Buy Committee (that’s you), scroll down to the comments to share your experiences with poorly finished trilogies. Help me decide whether I should invest in a digital copy of “the single largest, most expensive fart noise ever.”
Of course, we’re looking to help you decide on more purchases. So, if you’re still agonizing over something, email deals@gizmodomedia.com with the subject line “Buy Committee” or tweet us at @ItsTheInventory.