Buy Committee, Gabe is dragging his feet on whether or not to buy Animal Crossings New Horizons for the Nintendo Switch.
So I have a problem. It used to be that I bought every major video game (including indies!) that came out, had time to play just a few, and later regretted pulling the trigger on the rest. The last Animal Crossing game I played was New Leaf on the 3DS. I put maybe 10 hours into it before moving on to something else. What was that something else, you ask? The fuck if I remember—that was over seven years ago!
Now all my friends have Switches and plan on shelling out for Animal Crossing: New Horizons when it launches on Friday. BUT, like I said, I have a problem: DOOM Eternal comes out the same day. I’ve always been a sucker for fast-pace corridor shooters, even if the genre is over a decade past its prime. Timesinking life sims … eh, not so much. That said, if I don’t buy Animal Crossing, the FOMO may kill me. I may die.
Although it’s a bit outside my purview, the character customization options look rad. I heard they’ve done away with gender-locked hairstyles and other cosmetic traits, which I find very endearing. Also, the memes have been very good and I’m sure they’ll only get more referential as I spend my time NOT playing it.
I don’t want to miss out, but Animal Crossing: New Horizons isn’t my typical kind of game. And I’d rather not waste money on something that’s too slow or relaxing for my anxious, restless mind.
So, Buy Committee (that’s you), scroll down to the comments to help me to convince this turd to buy Animal Crossing. Help Gabe decide whether he should invest in this $60 escape from reality or just sit there with his failures.
I, for one, have already purchased and pre-downloaded it. Though I’ve never played an Animal Crossing game before, I’m a big fan of Stardew Valley and wanted a new adventure. I figure, $60 is a small price to pay for a brightly-colored distraction in these awful times but I definitely wouldn’t skip DOOM Eternal either.
Get both, dumb-ass. We’re stuck indoors, remember?
Of course, we’re looking to help you decide on more purchases. So, if you’re still agonizing over something, email with the subject line “Buy Committee” or tweet us at @ItsTheInventory.