If my own friend group is any indication, condiments are a divisive topic. While some argue that the very need for sauce denotes a failure of the meal it’s being served with, I’d say the opposite is true. Even the most delicious foods are improved with the right dressing.
Hey, you’re free to disagree. And I’m not saying every sauce will enhance your main course. If you’re grilling a swordfish steak, for instance, you probably shouldn’t marinate it with ranch dressing. In fact, you should never eat ranch dressing. It sucks! Ranch dressing is just watered-down blue cheese for spineless cowards whose misguided fear of mold denies them a good time.
Maybe I’m getting ahead of myself here. That happens when I get into my sauce talk. Enough about me. Tell me your hot sauce takes. Your hot takes on sauce, not necessarily hot sauce. Any sauce you can dip your nuggies in. What’s the best dipping sauce, to you?
1) Your nomination should contain the name of a specific type and brand of sauce, why you think it’s the best, a link where it can be purchased, and an image.
2) Vote by starring someone else’s nomination.
3) Please do not duplicate nominations.