Buy Committee: Should I Buy My Family a Nintendo Switch?

Image for article titled Buy Committee: Should I Buy My Family a Nintendo Switch?
Photo: Eine Limonade Bitte (Unsplash)

Buy Committee, CuriousButSkeptical needs your help.

Should I buy our family a gaming console? It would be our first ever, and we’re on a tight budget so I don’t want to be stuck with expensive games as the only option to use the thing. Nintendo Switch looks versatile and the games seem appropriate for our preteen kids. They love Roblox, Minecraft, and Sims4 on the computer.

I can’t even tell the difference between Xbox and PS4 - is it all down to which brand carries which games? What the heck is the real difference for the average non-gaming family? Thanks!

So, Buy Committee (that’s you), scroll down to the comments to share your experiences with your Nintendo Switch. Help CuriousButSkeptical decide whether he should invest in a Nintendo Switch.

I, for one, recommend the Nintendo Switch to just about everybody. As you said, it’s an incredibly versatile console and one with a huge library of affordable games.


Be warned, though, you might want to consider that it may become too popular with your kids and they may ask for their own. Luckily, there is a $200 Switch Lite in case that happens. But, for a family gaming console, the standard Switch is the way to go.


Of course, we’re looking to help you decide on more purchases. So, if you’re still agonizing over something, email with the subject line “Buy Committee” or tweet us at @ItsTheInventory.