What Are You Looking Forward To Buying on Black Friday?

Image for article titled What Are You Looking Forward To Buying on Black Friday?
Image: Artem Beliaikin (Unsplash)

Black Friday is finally around the corner and in anticipation of my favorite time of year, we’re asking you to spotlight something you’re looking to buy. Whether it’s something you’ve been saving up for or saw a leaked ad for, we want to know all about it.

Check out the rules below, then head down to the comments to nominate your most-anticipated Black Friday purchase.

1) Your nomination should contain the name of a specific product, why you think it’s something people should buy, a link where it can be purchased, how big of a discount are you anticipating, and an image.

2) You can nominate multiple things to buy, but please put each one in a separate comment.

3) Vote by starring someone else’s nomination.

4) Please do not duplicate nominations.

And if you’re interested, why not bookmark our Black Friday Hub? Not much in there right now, but we’ll start plugging stuff in as soon as the deals go live.
