The sun’s out, the temperatures are rising, and it’s time to ditch your hot morning coffee for a refreshing, less-acidic, caffeinated-as-hell cold brew. Buying one at a coffee shop every morning can get expensive, but it’s stupid-easy to make at home with the proper tools.
Update: The winner this week was a mason jar combined with a nut milk bag. Sometimes the simplest and cheapest methods are good enough.
We’ve already asked about your favorite coffees for cold brew, so this week, we want to hear what you’re using to brew it. Check out the rules below, then head down to the comments to nominate your favorite.
1) Your nomination should contain the name of a specific cold brew coffee maker, why you think it’s the best, a link where it can be purchased, and an image.
2) You can nominate multiple products, but please put each one in a separate comment.
3) Vote by starring someone else’s nomination.
4) Please do not duplicate nominations.