Having conquered your facial hair with efficiency and ease, Philips is headed downstairs to help you tame everything else.
It’s no surprise that Philips is going low. The Philips Bodygroom, which the OneBlade owes much of its design to, has been the best body hair trimmer for as long as I can remember. Taking those learnings and applying them to an attachment that works with your current OneBlade (or Pro) is a win all around.
The “body” addition to the OneBlade is really just a skin guard for sensitive areas, and a body comb for hairier spots. The OneBlade isn’t a straight razor-close shave, and adding guards certainly isn’t going to make it any closer, but like with your face, the OneBlade will get your body grooming 99% of the way there faster than anything else, and with no irritation.
Save us Philips, make a nose hair attachment next.