Shaving your legs sucks, and before Billie, the only reprieve was buying cheaper men’s razors and giving a big ol’ middle finger to the Pink Tax.
In terms of razor subscription services, Billie doesn’t reinvent the wheel, yet the whole process and accompanying products feel fresh and undiluted. The sleekness of the simple, solid color handle (that comes in four different colors). The barely-there branding on the box and bag it comes in. The magnetic holder. Everything is purposeful and satisfyingly bare, unlike traditional vibrantly pink or shockingly teal razors marketed for women.
For $9 a month, your first delivery comes with a handle, holder, and two five-blade cartridges. You can then choose a plan delivering four additional cartridges every one, two, or three months. You can also easily skip shipments in the winter when you’re not shaving for many, many months.
The razor, once the cartridge is in place, is sturdy and comfortable. Even without a plastic grip, it didn’t slip out of my hand or feel cumbersome while I was contorting my body to reach behind my legs. Compared to the shitty disposable I was using before this, the five blades feel almost dangerously sharp.
By far the best part (and seemingly most overlooked aspect from other brands) is the magnetic handle holder. It’s tiny, like Chiclets-sized tiny, and it adheres to your wall, even in the wet shower. The handle has a discrete magnet inside near the blade and it gratifyingly rests in place, unobtrusively waiting to be picked up.
Billie is the new standard for women’s razors, one that doesn’t feel overly-feminine, but also doesn’t let aesthetics run down the drain. It’s no-frills. It’s practical. It’s simple. It’s beautifully functional. They promise not to “call you a goddess for shaving your legs” because, well, you’re not. Billie doesn’t dismantle the patriarchy, but it’s a nice start.