Clear Your Driveway With Ease With These Huge Snow Thrower Discounts

Winter will be here before you know it, if it hasn’t arrived in your corner of the country already, but you can fight back with a well-reviewed GreenWorks snow thrower from this one-day Amazon sale.

There are two corded models available, and the only real difference between them seems to be that one model has built-in headlights to help you clear a path early in the morning.

Update: The battery-powered model is sold out.

You’re already going to be cold and miserable though, and dealing with an extension cord in gloves doesn’t sound like fun, so you might want to splurge on this battery-powered model, down to $188. That’s not a small amount of money, but it’s never sold for less than about $250 on Amazon until today. In fact, the version of it that doesn’t include a battery is currently listed for $269, so this is a pretty remarkable deal.

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