MYMUG is the Evolution of Ceramic You've Been Waiting For

MYMUG is the latest stop on the road to coffee vessel perfection, and you can save by preordering.

We don’t even touch plastic at this point, our love for double-walled glass is matched only by the glass’ fragility, and many readers have commented in their sensitivity to the metallic taste that... metal can add.

The MYMUG is made in America, available in 4 sizes, microwave and dishwasher safe, safe in general, and insulated. It feels like ceramic, doesn’t impart any flavors, and my favorite feature by far is the base, which allows water to drain during the dishwashing cycle.

We’ve been drinking out of a pair of these mugs for a few weeks, and while we didn’t get to try the lids unfortunately, we’re huge fans of the mugs for everyday use.