Cyber Monday's a Great Excuse To Modernize Your Home Network

If your home network is still based on older 802.11n technology, if you’re still paying a modem rental fee to your ISP, or if you’re sick of dealing with wireless dead zones, there’s a Cyber Monday deal just for you today.

Inside, you’ll find over a dozen NETGEAR products, including routers, modems, range extenders, powerline kits, and ethernet switches, all marked down to great low prices.

The standout product here is probably the Nighthawk R6700 for an all-time low $88, and which as of this writing also has a $20 coupon available on the page, though that may be a mistake.

If you want to clear up a wireless dead zone in your home without spending a ton of cash, you’d be hard pressed to find a range extender for less than $24, particularly one with over 14,000 mostly positive reviews.

That’s just scratching the surface though, so head over to Amazon to see the rest of the deals.

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