Get Your Notifications by Light with DOTTI, NOTTI, and Ingrein

Notifications can be selectively useful once you turn 99% of them off- even more so if you can make them look really cool.

Ingrein is a wooden clock with a built-in screen and customizable backlighting. The screen can display things like event notifications and the weather, while the lights can be programmed to integrate with service like IFTTT to alert you to a variety of information. You can also choose to assign different color lights to different members of the household, or use the Ingrein’s motion sensor as a security system.

Everything is better pixelated, even notifications. Though with DOTTI, you’ll probably skip the whole notifications feature and just make it your new favorite toy(s). These make a fantastic stocking stuffer, and their stackable nature makes them extremely dangerous to anyone with disposable income.


WITTI Design, maker of the DOTTI, also makes a much more chill mood light/notification hub that is definitely not a scale model of the Aggro Crag.


As you can probably guess, the NOTTI can light up in different colors and patterns to indicate specific notifications, or just sit there and look cool, or even be used as a music visualizer.


It’s no surprise that the Ingrein doesn’t play nice with these other devices, but WITTI Design combining their DOTTI and NOTTI apps would have been a plus.

WITTI also recently launched a smart alarm clock called BEDDI that we’ll be covering shortly.
