Update: Looks like they fixed the error. Hope you got one!
The original Nest Protect was the smartest smoke/carbon monoxide detector of its time, and the newly-redesigned model is $20 off at Best Buy, if you preorder.
As you might expect, the new Protect integrates with your phone to alert you to any issues wherever you are in the world, but now you can pair it with a new Nest Cam to tune in to make sure your house isn’t actually on fire. The Protect also operates as a night light, tests its own battery and speaker automatically, and is smart enough gently warn you when your dinner gets a little smoky, rather than blast out an eardrum-splitting alarm.
Of course, a smart appliance wouldn’t really be living up to its potential if it didn’t work with the rest of your smart home gear, and the new Protect delivers big time. Say the Protect detects high levels of carbon monoxide in your air, and you have a Nest thermostat installed. Boom, your heat is turned off until you can figure out the problem. What if you’re listening to music and are unable to hear the alarm? Well if you have Philips Hue bulbs in your home, they’ll start blinking to get your attention. Is it an hefty investment? Absolutely. But it’s undoubtedly really cool, and potentially even life-saving.
As for the deal, Nest products rarely get significant discounts, even if they’ve been out for months or years, so this preorder deal is incredibly surprising, if not an outright price mistake. [Preorder Nest Protect 2nd Generation, $80]
Note: This is the battery-operated version; the plug-in model is still priced correctly. It runs on 6 AAs, and we recommend Eneloop rechargeables, which were your favorite rechargeable batteries by a huge margin.
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