Treat Yourself to Better Pillows, Only $30-$40 for a Pair Today

You (hopefully) spend eight hours per day in bed, so if you aren't totally satisfied with your current pillow situation, it's worth spending a few bucks to upgrade.

Today only, Amazon has a set of two highly-rated down-alternative pillows for $30-$40, depending on size. That's an all-time low no matter which size you pick. They're hypoallergenic, easily-washable, and even come with a two year warranty. Obviously, pillow comfort is subjective, and not everyone will love these, but nearly every unsatisfied review on Amazon has a personal reply from the seller helping them with the return process and offering a 100% money-back guarantee. [Set of 2 Down Alternative Hypoallergenic Pillow, $30-$40]

Don't forget, we've got the rest of today's best deals from around the web over on Kinja Deals.

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