11 Rad Gifts for Badass Outdoor Women

Hallelujah! The days of shrink it and pink it are gone, hopefully to never reappear. Women’s outdoor gear is experiencing a bit of a revolution as brands arrive at a few realizations: women have the majority of buying power in their households, and they want gear that functions properly, not just looks pretty.

I mean, duh.

If you’re still searching for an awesome gift for that wicked outdoor lady in your life, look no further. I can promise she will be happy with something from this list.

Kula Cloth

I get it: it sounds gross. But really, this first-of-its-kind peecloth is genius. This intentionally designed, small scrap of antimicrobial fabric replaces the tried-and-true bandana many female backpackers tie to their backpack while hiking. Use it to wipe after peeing, and then reattach to your backpack so that the sun’s UV rays can disinfect it while you’re on the trail. Bonus: It cuts down on toilet paper left in the backcountry which is a great way to promote Leave No Trace.


Fjallraven Keb Trousers

More technically advanced than your standard hiking pants, these trousers have all the bells and whistles that any trekking women could want. Reinforced at the butt, knees, cuffs, and thighs with G-1000, the Kebs are also water-resistant, windproof, and utterly burly. They’re higher waisted than most pants which means baselayers don’t come untucked and you have freedom of movement whether you’re scaling a crag or climbing into the backseat of the car.


Hydroflask Wine Tumblers

Apres happy hour got happier with these 10-ounce wine tumblers. The stainless steel construction doesn’t taint the flavor or retain it for later while the extra-large size amounts to two full pours. When sealed with the Honeycomb insulated press-in lid, you can rest assured that your wine will be ready once you get off the slopes.


America The Beautiful National Parks Pass

There is a good chance your favorite outdoor woman gravitates toward the national parks, so why not gift her a year of playtime? For a mere $80, this pass will get her into any one of 2000 recreation sites including national parks and national wildlife refuges. Additionally, it covers the standard day use fees at national forests and grasslands, as well as any land managed by the Bureau of Land Management, Bureau of Reclamation, and US Army Corps of Engineers.


REI Co-op Magma 17 Sleeping Bag

Not only does this 20-degree sleeping bag cover most of your backcountry needs, but it does it at a price that is nearly $100 less than its competitors. Completely redesigned in 2017, this 850-fill, DWR-treated goose down bag weighs a tick over 2 lbs. and has a comfort rating of 17 degrees for women. The lower limit rating is 3 degrees (7 degrees colder than the men’s bag) to account for women running cooler than men.

Feral Leather Basecamp Journal

This premium leather journal features a dot grid to help record your adventures or plan for new ones. Pre-printed pages include a list of all 59 national parks and multiple adventure packing lists so that nothing gets left to chance. Tip: If $50 is too pricey for your budget, ditch the leather and opt for the paperback journal. You get the same pages for half the price.


Patagonia Nano-Air Light Hybrid Jacket

Hard-charging women work up a sweat but still tend to run colder than their male counterparts. This makes the Nano-Air Light Hybrid a great choice for trail runners, hikers, and backcountry skiers alike. Forty grams of insulation sits on the front and top of arms to keep her warm while a wicking waffle knit on the back and sides allows plenty of opportunity to dump excess heat while on the go.

Darn Tough Over-the-Calf Cushion Ski Socks

Good socks are great to have but no one wants to shell out the cash for, well, socks. But these Over-the-Calf options use mid-level cushion underfoot for all-day comfort. The fit is slightly wider near the top to accommodate women’s larger calves, which means these fit under ski boots all day without leaving angry red welts on your skin.


NEMO Stargaze Recliner Chair

Perhaps you just want to relax at camp in an over-the-top, luxuriously comfy camp chair? If that sounds like you, the Stargaze has your number. Thankfully, setup is a cinch so it’s easy to get straight to the good stuff: rocking. Unlike other camp chairs, the Stargaze both rocks and reclines so you can relax at camp while feeling like you’re in your rocking chair back home.

Smith Vantage MIPS Snow Helmet

This favorite ski helmet seemingly has it all: comfort, style, performance, and of course, safety. The Vantage uses MIPS technology (Multidirectional Impact Protection System), a liner designed to move independently from the outer shell upon impact. This reduces rotational forces caused by angled impacts to the head, theoretically reducing the risk of potential brain damage. Safety first!


Leki Micro Vario Carbon Lady DSS Trekking Poles

Yes, they’re pricey, but there is a great chance you’ll never need another trekking pole again. Specifically designed for women, these poles have smaller grips, shorter straps, and logistically smaller dimensions so they are easier to collapse into a women-specific backpack. At a mere 8 ounces, they fold down to less than 16 inches and have 20 centimeters of adjustment range, meaning they simply disappear inside a backpack.
